Last Saturday, seven members of the Medical Team worked together to assemble medical kits for the less fortunate. The Covid-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the homeless and working class so the Medical Team raised money for supplies to provide kits for them! One member, Manasvi J., held a medical drive to gather unused supplies from the community, much of which were used in this month’s kits. These kits contained bandages, alcohol wipes, hydrocortisone, gauze, baby wipes, dog bags, and tribiotic ointment! They also included masks, one of the most vital necessities amid the pandemic. Along with these supplies, members of the Medical Team collaborated to make a pamphlet with information about common injuries as well as contact resources. If someone suffered a minor burn, they could look at the pamphlet to learn how to treat it and where to go if further care is necessary. Overall, this first packaging event was quite successful, as the team ended up packaging a total of 75 kits that will be distributed through Bay Area clinics soon!